What is the Kisslist?
The Kisslist is a list of addresses that are able to send Email without having to use a valid Token.
How is the administration of the Kisslist done?
- All Addresses to whom a Spamkiss user sends Email will be stored in the Kisslist automatically.
- All addresses of mail coming in with a valid Token, are included into the Kisslist automatically.
- I can integrate Email addresses of other Source-data (separated by a comma or a semicolon) via direct import in CVS format.
- Of course a manual input of addresses is possible too.
What can I do if I want to get rid of specific Mail addresses?
Email addresses, which you do not longer want to have in your Kisslist can easily be removed form it by deleting them or even putting them in the Kicklist
What is the Kicklist?
The Kicklist is the list of those addresses, you do not want to get email from any more. This even if they would send a mail with a valid Token.
How is an email address put in the Kicklist?
You can move addresses from the Kisslist or from the events protocol to the Kicklist at any time. You can add adresses manualy too.